First aide Basics (To have in BOG in car or on you)
- Surgical masks to prevent infection should also be in all first aid kits.
- Band-Aids & Butterfly Bandages
- Over the counter medications (OTC) that should be included are non-aspirin pain reliever, anti-inflammatory,
- Vomiting and diarrhea medications and throat lozenges. A basic first aid guide, available through the American Red Cross, could be included as well.
- Antibiotic Ointment or Antiseptic towelets
- Burn ointment
- Gauze pads or rolls
- Iodine or similar prep pads
- Medical Adhesive tape
- Antibiotic ointment
- Smelling salts or ammonia inhalants
- Thermometer
- Tweezers, scissors
- Rubber gloves
- Emergency space blanket
- Candle if you live in cold climates
- Emergency phone numbers, including contact information for your family doctor and pediatrician, local emergency services, emergency road service providers and the regional poison control center
- Stethoscope (walmart should have them)
- Syringes (check feed stores, vet offices, not sure if pharmacies will sell though)
Extra to have on hand:
- shoestrings or light rope for fashioning slings & tying splits together
- waterproof matches to light a fire for boiling water or making hot beverages to ward off hypothermia
- a triangular piece of muslin for making slings or infant carriers
- Large Ziploc baggies, which can be used to store items until needed, provide ice bags, water containers and protective covers for injured. Baggies can also be used to provide insulation to keep your feet warm and dry preventing frostbite.
- Saline nose drops to clear stuffy noses for small children
- Small mirror
- Vitamins
- Instant food, soup packages, drink mixes
- Snake bite poison extractor
- Tweezers safety pins
- Aloe cream for sun burns
- Eye drops
- Duct tape
- Petroleum jelly or other lubricant
- Soap or instant hand sanitizer
- Life straw to clean water or water tablets to clean the water.
- Sun screen
- Vitamins if you don't have food then you need at least vitamins to keep you going
Extra Stuff to have at home in first aid kit
- Rubbing Alcohol for sterilization and Hydrogen Peroxide
- Calamine lotion
- Betadine
- Good scissors for cutting
- Forceps & Scalpels
- Hemostats
- Sterrile sutures, in several s
- Special bandages, such as conforming, trauma and field dressings
- izes
- Wound probe
11. Instant hot and cold pack
12. Prep & eye pads
13. Cotton balls
14. Dental tools
15. Books on dentistry and medical
16. Antihistamine & Decongestant plus cold meds
17. Rehydration fluids, such as Pedialyte, to rehydrate children
18. A package of tongue depressors for checking sore throats on children
19. Colloidal silver
20. Splint materials
21. Turkey baster or other bulb suction device for flushing out wounds
22. Syringe, medicine cup or spoon
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